Daniele Lasalandra is born in Genoa, Italy, in 1982. Freelance painter since 2006 with national and international exhibitions. His works are presents in European corporated collections and private collections worldwide. Lucky father of 4 kids, he lives and works between Italy, Belgium and Norway.
info@lasalandra.net | Studio in Genova, Italy. Opening on appointment.
As a son of a paintings’ restorer I lived my childhood among Italian and Flemish masterpieces, considering paintings as solid objects made with pigments, oil and varnish, not as images only.
Unknown portraits, landscapes, or trompe l’oile boxes: my paintings investigate on the relationship between the painting-object and the painting-image, and the overturning of this concept.
My research focus on oil on canvas because of my passion for Italian baroque’s masters techniques and the abstractive power of their surfaces. Avoiding any virtuosism I want to magnify the media’s limit itself with blurring, erasement and accidentality by tools’ dyscrasia.
Inspired by David Hockney in his studies about Caravaggio, shameless I use a digital projector for the same purpose of XVI sec. Camera Obscura: to mechanize the production and omit myself.
I’m obsessed by the meanings of things, their representation and reproducibility, by misunderstanding, mystification and the possibility of a shareable truth even in a relativistic era signed by fanaticism.
I’ve been enlightened by color field and concrete art, especially the encounter with Gerhard Richter works, who confirmed to me the possibility to proceed in different directions without the need to refer to a single idea as a trademark, and with no fear for apparent contradictions.
My paintings, drawings and prints are present in corporated collections:
Spain (Madrid, Earth Army; Avilès CMAE), Ireland (Limerik, LIT), Scottland (Dundee, Central Librery), Norway (Kristiansand, Kommun House), Slovenja (Maribor, Vetrinjski dvor), Italy (Asti, Guardia Forestale; Turin Guardia di Finanza; Potenza Vigili del Fuoco; Pesaro INAIL; Genoa Curia di Genova)
and private collections world wide.
Bachelor degree in Fine Arts (110/110) – Accademia Ligustica di Belle Arti, Genoa, Italy 2002 – 2006
Upper Education (90/100) – LAS Paul Klee, Genoa, Italy 2001
Italian (first language)
English (advanced written and spoken)
2018 | May red cadmium be my blood – Artist studio, Genova, Italy
2017 | Good painter is a dead painter – performative exhibition, Monterosso, Italy
2016 | Nemesis of the Nemesis – Artist studio, Genova, Italy
2015 | Anti-ego Mirrors – Villa Zanucchi Pompei, Pesaro, Italy
2014 | How to destroy 12 masterpiece with a single brush – Palazzo Lomellino, Genova, Italy
2014 | Forme Difformi – Artist studio, Genova, Italy
2013 | Shadows collide with people – Villa Zanucchi Pompei, Pesaro, Italy
2012 | Africa – Villa Zanucchi Pompei, Pesaro, Italy
2011 | Nimph – Studio Poluzzi, Genova, Italy
2016 | Symbols – Museo Antòn, Candàs, Spain
2016 | CreAir Open studio – X-House, Kristiansand, Norway
2015 | Genova Città Aperta – Museo di Sant’Agostino, Genova, Italy
2014 | Earth’s Army – Palacio del Ejercito de Tierra, Madrid
2013 | INAIL – Pesaro (L.Pratesi), Italy
2012 | Il Senso del Sacro – Chiostro di Santa Maria del Prato, Genova, Italy
2011 | INAIL – Palazzo Ducale, Pesaro, Italy
2010 | Figurazioni II – Museo Civico di Sant’Agostino, Genova, Italy
2010 | De Industria – Ex mattatoio, Fermignano, Italy
2010 | Figurazioni – Biblioteca Civica L. Berio, Genova, Italy
2010 | La Stanza della Memoria — Accademia di Belle Arti Genova, Italy
2015 | Como Contemporary Contest, Como, Italy
2015 | Symbols Project, Avilès, Spain
2013 | Competitive Bid for Arts, site specific installation, Rome, Italy
2013 | INAIL prize, 1st place – Pesaro (L. Pratesi curator) Italy
2012 | Competitive Bid for Arts, Vigili del Fuoco, Potenza, Italy
2012 | Competitive Bid for Arts, Guardia di Finanza, Turin, Italy
2012 | Competitive Bid for Arts, Guardia Forestale, Asti, Italy
info@lasalandra.net | Studio in Genova, Italy. Opening on appointment